So anyway I got my new camera and OMG it's so cool. I have so much to learn though, sooooo much. Nic help please. It's a Canon EOS Digital SLR. I feel so happy about it and can't wait for the holidays to practise. It's like my baby.
We have been sooooo busy at work. The end of year and beginning of the year are so busy in a school office. You have no idea. I have been printing reports for the last 2 weeks. Why you say? Well there's alot to it:
Teacher writes report in computer programme
Lianne prints each individual report - making sure it all fits on 2 pages
Principal checks each report and comments
Teacher corrects any reports that need it
Lianne reprints those reports
Principal rechecks and comments
Lianne prints envelopes for reports
All this x 8 classes and in between other jobs like:
Chasing prize giving cups and organising the engraving.
Planning stationery for next year
Counting money from Book Fair, Activity Week and Jump Rope for Heart.
There's lots more too but I guess you're really bored by now.
So here's Michelles challenge for this week, sorry I didn't do last week's one Michelle.
1. Do you decorate your house this time of year? if so… how? ( a photo or description. )
Yes. These are taken with my new camera though the tree isn't very good. I tried to take it without the flash so the lights would show up better but didn't turn out great. Will have to work one that one. But I love the one of my new decoration. Isn't he just so cute.

3. How much is too much? As much as you like. I love houses covered in decorations. If I had time and money I'd do it.
4. How do you celebrate this time of year? Luch with my family - at my place this year. Dinner with Rob's family - at his sisters this year.
5.Whose job is it to wrap all the Christmas gifts? Will you (or whoever) use gift bags, or wrapping paper? Me, wrapping paper.
6. What do you dislike most about the holiday season? Definitely the crowds but that's about it.
7. What are you top 3 Xmas songs. Snoopy's Xmas, I saw Mummy kissing Santa Claus and can't think what else.
8. Real tree or fake? Either, real last year, fake this year.
Lucky you getting your new camera, the photos look great. I saw somewere, how to get good photos of Xmas light...I will try and find it again because I can't remember what to do.
I can't wait until tommorrow I am so looking forward to your class and now i have read you blog i am even more excited lol.
Oh and don't worry about last weeks challange...I havn't done it either though I have promised my good friend Mac that I would get it done yeasterday if she did too so i better get to it and do it sometime today.
Lianne you lucky thing, getting a new camera - I too am in the market so would be interested to know what you think of the Canon - I was looking at the Rebel but am still not sure. Wish I was at your R & S this weekend - missed our christmas one down here last weekend so am hanging out for a good ol crop!
Hi Lianne, what a great early xmas pressy you've got there! I've been trying to take some xmas light photos myself recently and got some advice to either use a tripod and take it that way or sit the camera on something and use your timer. I got a few good ones using this way. Check out the first entry in my blog if you want to see one of them!
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